Friday, September 11, 2009


Whenever your heart first encounters love it becomes attached to the other person before anything can change its course, this is like opening a door with those 2 prong keys that are all the same. after this the connection grows stronger and all of the positive* things you have in common such as ideas, tastes, preferences, etc. are observed;* only noticing the positive similarities causes the heart to be attracted even more. After this there is a combination of the heart and the brain which is similar to a maze in quicksand; the love gets stronger whilst getting deeper into the soul, this is the most common case; at this point the vital differences in the soul which were never observed before show themselves, maze, and eventually a fight between a mix of reality, what the heart needs, and what the brain knows, takes place..quicksand.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


We have been learning about evolution and the beliefs of it in biology so we watched Expelled. It really helped understand all about it because it showed the point of views from many different scientists/evolutionists/creationists, etc.. about many different topics.. It talks about how many different scientists and teachers have been fired or "expelled" for even mentioning creationism or questioning evolution. It was a rly interesting movie....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


MS Excel is pretty easy and fun once you know how all the tools work.... like without coach p... i would have failed like the whole thing..... theres really isnt anything i dont like about it....cause its pretty fun cuz everything is explained before we do it..... and i got to make up random stuff lol....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

comp lit

so far this year our comp lit class been really fun and interesting.... I've learned alot about microsoft word with our cool assignments and stuff... blogging has been fun too lol ..... coach p rox..... and is a total dork with his pink sox lol